The National Arena

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Jamaica’s National Stadium was built in 1962 and was first used for a boxing match where Bunny Grant won the Commonwealth Lightweight Boxing Champion title Jamaica’s Independence Jamaica’s National Arena was built in 1966 with its first purpose being to host the weightlifting and wrestling events of the 1966 Commonwealth Games. Today, it is used for a wide range of activities; these include Regional & National Sporting Tournaments, Trade Exhibitions, National Festival Competitions, Concerts, Church Conventions, Political Rallies and other events.

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Total Seating Capacity

6500 (2500 rollaway seats)

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Area of Arena:

Ground Floor (lower hall) – 33,660 Sq. Ft
Mezzanine Floor – 16,160 Sq. Ft.

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Features Include:

Fully air-conditioned hall
Hospitality/VIP room on level 3
Changing Rooms
Area for medical support room

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