Top Six Considerations When Hiring Security for Your Event

Plans and preparations for your event are underway and going smoothly. However, you have neglected one of the most important factors of event planning.

Most event planners focus on this aspect at the very last minute. At that point, the best possible security service to be offered is compromised because of last minute interjections.

Word to the wise, security is top priority!

We have compiled some security considerations for your events. Have a read and employ them if you haven’t already done so.

  1. Reputation

In selecting a security company, you want to go with the best that’s out there. ‘Best’ by no means includes how long they’ve been in the business. It means their level of professionalism, success rates in effectively securing events of various natures and their customer satisfaction rates. Remember, you want quality of quantity.

The best will by no means be the most affordable. So, you have to consider the budget that you’re working with.

  1. Understanding your Budget

Budgeting is one of the first things you do when planning your event. This event planning tool must include provisions for security. You get what you ask for, so if you consider the affordable cost, you may very well be sacrificing the quality service we mentioned in the Reputation consideration. If you want the best but are unable to afford the best at full price, consider partnerships.

Partner with initial sponsors and other stakeholders. When you develop a symbiotic relationship with your service providers, there is a good chance you will be able to get the quality you need at a reduced cost.

  1. Audience: Who will attend your event?

In determining the target audience, think about the background of your guests; where do they come from? What is their age range? Does everyone know each other?

It could be a situation where you have very little knowledge of who will attend. In uncertainty, your security detail needs to be informed. Even if you are sure, let your security provider know the details.

Consider the possibility of party-crashers. If you have a guest list, the security detail should be made aware of it, the rules associated and any exception decided prior to the event. It is important to measure the anticipated audience against the experience of the security company you wish to employ.

  1. Body count: How many people will be attending?

You need a balanced ratio of security to guests/patrons. The persons attending your event should not outnumber the security officers hired. In the worst case scenario, it is important to have enough security detail on hand to properly manage incidents. Bear in mind, the larger the body count, the higher the chance for incidents that require security.

  1. Event location

Once you have identified a location for your event, have a discussion with the managers of the space. There may be rules governing how security is chosen and carried out. The location may already have security as part of their package!

Consider the structure of the space. Is it well lit? Does it have a perimeter wall? If these necessities are not in place, you will have to figure out lighting (especially for night events); and barriers for optimal security.

All other location related details important to the security of your guests and the smooth operation should be considered.

  1. Include the security detail in your planning meetings

One of the biggest mistakes made by event planners is the omission of the selected security company during event planning meetings. The purpose of properly securing your event space and your guests is defeated if security detail is briefed the day of.

Make it your rule of thumb to trust the subject matter expert ( in this case, it is the security company) to properly guide the process as you include security as a top priority.

A good place to start is to include the expertise of the Jamaica Constabulary Force and the Jamaica Fire Brigade. It is part of their mandate to guide procedures for events, especially in the planning phases. Having them on your team will lead to the creation of a top notch security plan!

Did we miss important considerations? What do you include when considering security?

Share it with us in the comment section below!