It’s a Win-Win! : The Brief Sport Fan’s Guide to Avoiding Conflict at Games

The ‘fat lady’ is moments away from singing at a sport game and tensions are high! You and your friends are there to support your favourite team and the opposing team’s supporters are just as excited as you are.

Both sets of supporters start to cheer and jeer until someone is offended by a statement or action of the other team. The situation is exacerbated by fans who want to see a fight.

The chance of this kind of scenario taking place at a sport event is high. This is especially true if the results will make crucial determinations affecting the teams. The potential negative outcome is also heightened with alcohol and a rowdy crowd to the mix.

What do you do? What can you do?

Herr are a few tactics you could utilise if you see a situation taking a quick left turn.

Share a joke and laugh

There’s nothing better than some comic relief in a stressful and tense situation. You can use that as an opportunity to share a joke that is not disrespectful and that everyone can laugh at.

Imagine, a team is performing poorly and fans are stressed to the point that you can cut the tension with a knife. Get everyone’s attention, share a joke and you’ll experience a positive transformation in the atmosphere.

Be respectful

Always remember that it is agreeable to have opposing views with someone but it is never okay to be disrespectful towards them.

Express compassion

If a bad call is made against the opposing team and you notice how much they are affected, let them know you are on their side. Though you don’t support their team, an expression of solidarity can turn sporting enemies into the best of friends in that moment.

Throughout this exercise, be respectful of the game officials. Their decision might be questionable but they oversee the operations of the game and you don’t want to be identified as a rowdy fan.

Find common ground in your love/appreciation of the sport

Bear in mind that you are all at the event because you love and appreciate the sport. Everyone has their favourite team and their favourite players but the crux of the matter is the love of the game.

Formulate a conversation about techniques, history and the upcoming season.

When you divert attention in that manner, the chance of conflict arising is reduced and you would have found new friends to have worthwhile discussions with.

Give it a try!

Know when to sit on the side-lines and find help

It is admirable to play the role of the peacemaker, but there are times that require you to sit it out. If a fight has already started, it is recommended that you stay out of it and find the nearest security guard or police officer stationed at the game.

Identify the nearest exit and remove yourself from the game as a football player would after being given a red card.

Did we miss tactics that have worked in your situation? Tell us in the comments below!