Basic Ins and Outs for Events

Selecting the ideal event space can be daunting if you have no idea where to start.

To begin your space selection process, it is best to identify your preferences. Do you want an outdoor space or do you want an indoor space? You might even want a space with benefits of both!

That determination is dependent on the type of event(s) you wish to host and your target audience(s).

Once you determine your target audience and event type, the next steps should include the following considerations:


Before all else, know how much money you have to work with. Create a budget that is feasible and realistic. It makes no sense that you have grand event ideas with an ordinary budget.

Event size

You must determine from the onset what you want your event size to be. This will determine how many tickets you make available, how you secure the space, and how you do the layout.

Some event planners ignore space capacities. Do not fall within that category.

Find out the capacities of potential spaces for your event. If the figures are lower than your expected amount, choose a space in which all persons will be comfortable according to the stipulations.

Permits and Licenses

In order to host events in Jamaica, there are some permits and licences that you must obtain from relevant authorities. Otherwise, you will be forced to cancel, the event will be shut down by the police and you may be prosecuted. Some of what you will need include permits from the Jamaica Constabulary Force, Jamaica Fire Brigade, Jamaica Association of Composers Authors and Publishers Ltd., and a Spirits Licence.


No event, regardless of other conditions, should take place without the consideration of your guests’ safety and security. People want to know that they can have fun in a safe and secured space. Research security companies with experience in events similar in nature.


If your event will be outdoors, ensure that there are measures in place to protect your guests/patrons from the possibility of rainfall or extreme heat. Use the weather calendar as a guide; plan while bearing weather trends in mind. Steer clear of the notoriously rainy and dry months as best as possible.


There’s nothing worse than hosting an event and no provisions are made for basics such as: parking, restroom facilities, proper signage, and physical capabilities of your audience.

Always bear in mind that you may have guests who are from the disabled community. Remember, the experience should allow for ease of access to all.


Your décor must be in synch with the event’s name, tagline and target audience. To get the true and complete guest/patron experience, the décor should bring the event to life.

Bear in mind, there are far more steps to consider when planning for your event. This piece is but an introduction to get your ideas flowing and prepare you for all considerations.