Statue Road

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Statue Road hosts a number of statues that celebrate Jamaicans who have achieved international fame for their track and field achievements.

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The Jamaican Athlete - placed in honour of the 1952 Helsinki Olympic 4x400m Men’s Gold Medal-winning team

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Donald Quarrie – placed in honour of Mr Donald Quarrie after his gold medal win at 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal, Canada

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Merlene Ottey – Unveiled in Statue Park on December 2005 in recognition of her athletic achievements, such as being the first Jamaican 200m Olympic medalist and being elected athlete of the year fifteen time.

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Herb McKenley – unveiled in Statue Park on December 2009 in recognition of his track and field achievements including winning gold and silver medals at the 1948 and 1952 Olympic Games, being the first man to run a quarter-mile in under 46 seconds, as well as repeatedly beating the 440-yard world record.

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Usain Bolt - unveiled in Statue Park on December 3rd 2017 in recognition of his numerous athletic achievements, such as being titled the fastest man in the world, repeatedly beating the 100 meters and 200-meter Olympic word records, as well as being an 11-time world champion.

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Shelly-Ann Fraser Pryce – unveiled in Statue Park on October 14, 2018, in recognition of her many track field achievements which include her being the first Caribbean woman to win in the Olympics 100-meter race (2008), the first woman in. history to win 100-meter medals at three consecutive Olympic Games (2008, 2012, 2016), as well as being the first to win a world championship after becoming a mother.

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